
Why is aluminum mesh quite popular in decoration?

Why is aluminum mesh quite popular in decoration?

First of all, we need to understand some basic knowledge in detail, which will be of great help to ourselves! Aluminum mesh can be said to be the upgraded version of the low carbon mesh! He has all the advantages of the low carbon mesh, but also has his own personality charm. According to the situation of the body with small make up to see it together!

  1. Light quality: the density is small, the weight is light, and the construction is convenient.
  2. Aluminum plate mesh: it has good performance and can effectively extend the life of use.
  3. High strength of aluminum plate mesh: it can be used for a long time without deformation and damage.
  4. Ventilation: The hole-like structure has good ventilation and can resist a 12 grade typhoon.
  5. Beautiful: Because of his and, so his surface is very bright, with a strong ornamental.

Aluminum plate mesh it is a kind of relatively, lighter weight is a product, but also an important point is that it can resist oxidation, the surface is bright and beautiful, ventilation and light transmission are better. In recent years, the use of aluminum plate mesh in outdoor decoration has increased significantly, mainly used in metal exterior walls and decorative long, with good ornamental.

The above is the relevant content of aluminum plate mesh, I hope to help you.